Scopus Impact Factor 2023: What You Need to Know

Scopus Impact Factor 2023

The Scopus Impact Factor is a measure of how often a journal's articles are cited by other journals. It is published annually by Elsevier and is one of the most widely used metrics to evaluate the quality of academic journals.

How is the Scopus Impact Factor calculated?

The Scopus Impact Factor is calculated by dividing the number of citations received by a journal in a given year by the total number of citable articles published by that journal in the previous two years.

What is the Scopus Impact Factor for 2023?

The Scopus Impact Factor for 2023 has not yet been released, but it is expected to be published in May 2024.

What are the highest-impact journals in 2023?

The following are the highest-impact journals in 2023, based on their 2022 Impact Factors: – Nature (43.070) – Cell (42.775) – Science (41.831) – The Lancet (39.963) – New England Journal of Medicine (74.230)

How can I improve my journal's Scopus Impact Factor?

– Publishing high-quality articles that are likely to be cited by other researchers. – Promoting their journal to researchers and encouraging them to submit their manuscripts. – Making it easy for researchers to find and read their articles. – Collaborating with other high-impact journals.