How to Get Your Journal Listed in the UGC CARE List: Eligibility Criteria and Step-by-Step Guide

To get your journal listed in the UGC CARE List, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:

1. Indexing: The journal must be indexed in one or more of the following databases: – Web of Science Core Collection – Scopus – Directory of Periodicals by the Modern Language Association (MLA)

2. Publication frequency: The journal must be published at least twice a year. 3. Peer review: The journal must have a rigorous peer review process in place. 4. Editorial standards: The journal must adhere to high editorial standards, including plagiarism checking and copyediting. 5. Ethics: The journal must follow ethical guidelines for scholarly publishing, such as those set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Once you have confirmed that your journal meets all of the eligibility criteria, you can follow these steps to apply for inclusion in the UGC CARE List:

1. Visit the UGC CARE website and create an account. 2. Click on the "Submit Journal" button and provide the required information, including the journal's title, ISSN, publisher, and indexing status. 3. Upload a copy of the journal's latest issue, as well as a copy of the journal's editorial board. 4. Pay the application fee. 5. Submit your application.

The UGC CARE team will review your application and notify you of their decision within 3-4 months. If your journal is accepted for inclusion in the list, it will be added to the next quarterly update.

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